East Texas Lowdown with Bikes or Death out of Texas
March 27 - March 30
This event is being held as a part of the Bikes or Death Texas Showdown series. Here’s a little bit about that series from the Bikes or Death webpage:
Howdy and welcome to the Texas Showdown Series, the brainchild of native Texan, Patrick Farnsworth, host of the Bikes or Death podcast.
The TSS was created to give adventure cyclist opportunities to explore three very different regions of Texas. From the Pine Curtains of East Texas, to the Hills of Central Texas, and to the remote and rugged desert of West Texas.
The Lowdown was a new event in 2023. It is NOT a race, it’s bikepacking ride. Your time will not be tracked, no one will care if you go fast. Well, your mom will still care, but the folks at Bikes or Death won’t.
There will be a designated group campsite on Friday evening with a bonfire and beverages for all LOWdown’ers. The BoD Team will also be there to share in the camaRADerie and storytelling that is sure to take place. Group camping is not required, but the more the merrier!
Awards for: Ride Bikes Be Rad, Good Energy Award, Best Dressed, Best on Course Photography, and more!
Bikepacking Roots is proud to be a Campout Sponsor for the Texas Lowdown Series put on by Patrick and the Bikes or Death team.
Please visit the East Texas Showdown website for more details.