Bikepacking Roots’ has created the Community Routes Project (CRoP) to showcase outstanding routes created and stewarded by bikepackers specifically for the enjoyment of the broader bikepacking community. These aren’t routes that the steward linked together and rode once, but rather they’re routes that have been developed, refined, and vetted with the goal of creating the most exceptional and rewarding experience possible for others. CRoP route stewards update the routes and resources regularly, and many stewards live near their route(s) and are champions for bikepacking in their communities.
We have created this project in response to consistent requests from our community to create off-pavement routes that will allow folks to fit bikepacking into their normal lifestyles, whatever that may look like. This means shorter routes and more geographic diversity of routes around the country. We recognize with this first release of routes, we are far from achieving these goals, but through our submission process and connecting with route creators, stewards and non-profit organizations around the county we plan to strive toward this vision. We strongly encourage submission of shorter routes, routes from regions with fewer bikepacking opportunities, beginner-friendly routes, routes accessible via public transportation, and loops rather than more logistically complicated point-to-point routes.
You may recognize a few of the routes we are showcasing as part of this Community Routes Project. Our route submission is open for submission of existing routes that you may have been stewarding for years and showcasing on your own/another website, or for new routes that you develop for the purposes of this project as long as they meet all of the vetting criteria. As a national organization, we hope that Bikepacking Roots can serve as a collective repository to highlight these individual steward’s hard work and to help new folks discover great resources for routes around the country that they may not otherwise come across. CRoP routes will not become “Bikepacking Roots Routes” – our goal is to facilitate information sharing and to support both route creators and the broader bikepacking community.
Each route will have a dedicated route page on the Ride page of our website, and all CRoP routes will be included on our Interactive Routes Map. If there’s a pre-existing website for the route, we’ll send folks there for more information.
Routes showcased through our Community Routes project are typically created by individual stewards (or a group of individuals). However, we also know that there are many other non-profit organizations stewarding the creation of bikepacking routes around the country as well. We would love to showcase and spread the word about high-quality, publicly available routes that have been created, vetted and are stewarded by other organizations as well. You can check out the ‘Routes from Other Organizations’ tab of our Ride page to see a few such routes from Organizations we love. We plan to build out this resource in the future as well.